Mr Gabriel Silva
Secondary Science Teacher
- Degree in Biological Sciences from Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB.
- Degree in Pedagogy from UniFAVENI.
- Postgraduate Degree in Pedagogical Guidance from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB.
- Complementary courses:
1. Recursos Educacionais Abertos from Fundação Bradesco.
2. Metodologias Ativas: Caminhos para a Prática from Fundação Bradesco.
3. Ensinando com a Web from Fundação Bradesco.
4. A BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) do Novo Ensino Médio: Ciências da Natureza from FTD Educação.
5. G Suite – Ferramentas do Google para a Educação from EAPE/GDF (Subsecretaria de Educação Continuada dos Profissionais da Educação / Governo do Distrito Federal).
6. Moodle Online from EAPE/GDF (Subsecretaria de Educação Continuada dos Profissionais da Educação / Governo do Distrito Federal).
7. Gamificação no Ensino from SENAI/GDF (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial / Governo do Distrito Federal).
I began teaching at the start of my college journey at the University of Brasilia - UnB in 2005, and I have been teaching ever since. During these years, I acquired ample experience in transitioning between Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, and Philosophy. I like to work on the interconnections and relationships amongst diverse areas of knowledge, creating a robust foundation for my mentees to develop their learning and ability to interpret the world. I am thrilled to be joining the ranks of The British School of Brasilia and I am eager to engage and enrich the minds and, if possible, the hearts of my new apprentices at the school, while also aiming to captivate their perception of nature, the physical world, and all that there is to explore.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, practising sports, playing video games, and sharing experiences with friends and family. I grew up in a family of five people, and I genuinely appreciate the noise, chaos, and playful interactions that occur when you truly get to know a group of individuals. My greatest joy is spending time with my 6-year-old daughter, teaching her to perceive the world as it is, and amusing myself with the thought constructs she creates. Embracing the joyful chaos of family and the delightful adventures with my daughter, life becomes a playground of shared experiences and imaginative wonders!