Field Trips
Educational visits are an essential part of pupils' experience at The British School of Brasilia. The school has carefully developed a programme of educational trips that blend educational objectives, adventure and fun.

The school seeks to make pupils actively aware of their environment and to use the opportunities offered by its location to enhance their education. Educational excursions provide the opportunity to learn more about the world around us and provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their group and social skills in different settings.
All pupils including those in the EYFS, Primary and Secondary School enjoy the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Educational visits for the day are a regular feature of our programme and usually relate to an aspect of the curriculum being covered. In addition, pupils from Year 4 upwards are encouraged to take part in our Outward Bounds programme, which is residential and designed to challenge pupils to gain independence, confidence and life skills.
All pupils including those in the EYFS, Primary and Secondary School enjoy the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Educational visits for the day are a regular feature of our programme and usually relate to an aspect of the curriculum being covered. In addition, pupils from Year 4 upwards are encouraged to take part in our Outward Bounds programme, which is residential and designed to challenge pupils to gain independence, confidence and life skills.