Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

At The British School of Brasilia, our most crucial aim is to nurture and develop the natural curiosity of our children and their instinct to learn. 
In Early Years, learning takes place principally through guided play, observing a balance between teacher and child led activities.

We start accepting children from the age of 2 years old.

Guide to Year Groups at BSB Early Years:

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Our classrooms are designed to promote a calm and engaging learning environment in which children feel quickly at home and inspired to explore.

We use the UK EYFS framework to guide, but not limit the curriculum that we offer, ensuring that the key seven areas of learning are delivered with quality and care:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development is absolutely critical to the success and enjoyment of school. Initially we focus on children learning how to share, work, play and cooperate together. 

As children mature we encourage an increased focus on our school charter values including self-discipline, independence and an understanding and respect for others. 

Communication and Language Development is extremely important in helping pupils to understand and question their world both in and out of school. 
We place a great deal of emphasis on our classrooms being vocabulary rich and a nurturing environment for speaking and listening. 

Pre-reading and pre-writing activities are introduced at an early stage with a structured phonics programme that leads to high standards of Literacy in the Reception classroom (4-5 years old pupils).
Portuguese lessons delivered by subject specialists ensure that our aim for all pupils to be confident in this language is initiated from the start of school. 

Physical Development is a key feature of our school day and aims to help children develop physical control, mobility, awareness of space and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments. Our children are fortunate to enjoy weekly lessons delivered by our Sports, Health and Wellness team to establish positive attitudes towards a healthy and active way of life.

Mathematical Development is supported through daily activities that are designed to promote mathematical understanding and the foundation for numeracy through practical activities. 

Our children enjoy daily activities that are designed to develop their ability to imagine, create and perform through our Expressive Arts and Design curriculum. Weekly lessons are delivered by our Creativity and Performance team with a particular focus on Music. 

The natural curiosity of our EYFS children is nurtured through a topic based approach that helps to achieve a better Understanding of the World

Each year of our EYFS programme is designed to be incrementally more challenging, helping each individual to develop at an age appropriate level. 

By the end of Reception our aim is for all children to achieve the Early Learning Goals ensuring that they can enter Primary school with confidence, anticipation and with the foundations for success firmly established.